Two-thirds of Virginia’s rural residents are priced out of their internet, and an unpopular Natural Gas pipeline is being built through the Western part of the state. If the people of Virginia don’t support these measures, why are elected officials pushing them through anyway?

For far too long, public service corporations have been buying off Virginia’s politicians and using their outsized influence to force through bills that hurt the people of Virginia.

Delegate Samirah has a plan, HB 1756, to unrig this corrupt system with a ban on donations from public service corporations ⁠— but he needs our help to get it over the finish line. 

To end the influence of public service corporations, we need Delegates Reid and Simon to pass HB 1756 through committee. But with a hearing scheduled for January 14th, time is running out fast. Send a message to them right now demanding that they take action and pass this bill through to the full house floor.

RepresentUs is America’s leading anti-corruption organization working city-by-city, state-by-state to fix our broken political system.