On May 11th, the Senate Rules Committee will meet to debate the For the People Act — and lawmakers from both parties may use it as an opportunity to weaken or even kill this powerful anti-corruption bill. 

The For the People Act would stop billionaires from buying our elections, end gerrymandering, and make our elections more secure. It's critical that the bill stay in tact, and that's why we need to put tremendous pressure on the Senate Rules Committee to protect it  and pass it through committee unharmed.

The members of the Rules Committee need to understand that complex problems require comprehensive solutions. They have to hear from hundreds of their constituents with a single message: Don’t gut the For the People Act.

Send a message to the Senate Rules Committee and urge them to protect the For the People Act on May 11th. 

RepresentUs is America’s leading anti-corruption organization working city-by-city, state-by-state to fix our broken political system.