Protect Connecticut's Citizens' Election Program

Last Thursday, Gov. Malloy vetoed a budget that would have eliminated the Citizens' Election Program (CEP), a voluntary program that allows full public financing to qualified political candidates and helps regular people run for office without relying on special interest money. Members of the legislature attempted to override the veto and kill the CEP, but because of grassroots action, were unsuccessful. Our representatives still need to understand how important this program is.

Since 2005, the Citizens' Election Program has made our elections more competitive and our legislature in Hartford more representative. Getting rid of this program would open the floodgates for special interests to seize power in Connecticut. The Citizens' Election Program is an example to be replicated across the county, not to be placed on the chopping block.

Add your name here to send an email to your legislators and demand that they protect the Citizens' Election Program in any budget being considered.

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