The integrity of our elections is at stake

On August 30th, your favorite celebrities teamed up with thousands of Americans for a groundbreaking virtual gala to launch the plan to #SaveTheVote. Now it’s time to get to work.

The Problem:

In the midst of a global pandemic and a pivotal election, politicians are undermining the security and validity of mail-in voting by interfering with United States Postal Service operations and waging a fear-mongering disinformation campaign. Their actions could make it more difficult for Americans to vote safely, and their shady tactics have already convinced half of America that vote by mail invites fraud.

The Solution:

We must come together to protect the election by:

  • Ensuring absentee voting and safe in person polling locations for every registered voter
  • Increasing trust in mail-in voting to ensure a peaceful transition to the next administration, no matter who wins
  • Making sure that every single vote is counted and that everyone knows it will take a week — not a day — to get results

But we can’t do it without your help. 

Join the movement to protect our elections, unrig our broken political system, and fight for a government of, by, and for the people. 

RepresentUs is America’s leading anti-corruption organization working city-by-city, state-by-state to fix our broken political system.