Portland voters say 'YES' to Ranked Choice Voting, improving representation in city government | RepresentUs

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Ross Sherman, RepresentUs Media Relations Manager, 207-749-2660, rsherman@represent.us
Damon Motz-Storey, Portland United for Change Media Liaison, damon@colororegon.org, 303-913-5634


PORTLAND, Ore. – Portland will become the largest city in the country to use Proportional Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). Media outlets called the race for Ballot Measure 26-228 Wednesday, which will update the city charter to improve representation and accountability in government.

“This is a huge win for voters in Portland. By updating their city charter, Portlanders can look forward to a government that represents everyone and is responsive to their needs,” said Interim Director of Political Programs Megan Caska. “We’re thrilled for our partner Portland United for Change, which spearheaded this effort. And we’re even more thrilled that RCV is coming to Portland.”

In addition to adopting Proportional RCV, Ballot Measure 26-228 will establish city council districts so that Portland’s elected officials are accountable to their communities. It will also make Portland’s government more effective and transparent through professional city management. Communities in Portland have been working for two years on creating and passing Measure 26-228. A Charter Review Commission identified the needed fixes to the city’s dysfunctional form of government and lack of representation.

“Over 100 Portland business leaders, political science experts, labor unions and community and neighborhood groups came together to say yes to Ranked Choice Voting, multi-member city council districts and professional city management. We knew this was a change that Portland sorely needed, so now we’re celebrating that voters overwhelmingly agreed,” said Sol Mora, campaign manager for Portland United for Change and the Civic Engagement Manager for the Portland-based Coalition of Communities of Color. “Now, communities of color, women, political minorities, working-class Portlanders and all others who have been underrepresented in our government will have a fair shot and a seat at the table."

The victory for voters in Portland comes alongside RCV wins Tuesday in Fort Collins, Colo. and Evanston, Ill. Key RCV initiatives in Nevada and Seattle have yet to be called. In total, RepresentUs and its partners have notched 167 victories that take power away from politicians and give it to the American voters – where it belongs.


RepresentUs is America’s leading nonpartisan organization fighting to protect and strengthen democracy. We unite unlikely allies from across the political spectrum who put country over party to pass pro-democracy laws, fight corruption, and defeat authoritarian threats. We have won more than 160 victories in cities and states across America since our founding 10 years ago. Each win is one step closer to our vision of making America the world’s strongest democracy.

RepresentUs is America’s leading anti-corruption organization working city-by-city, state-by-state to fix our broken political system.