Right now, you have an opportunity to make voting more accessible for
1 million of your neighbors in New York.

The New York State Senate passed S6457B, an automatic voter registration bill. This bill could add hundreds of thousands of unregistered but eligible New York voters to voter roles. This would increase voter participation while modernizing New York elections.

The problem? The State Assembly has not taken action. That’s where you come in: Sign on to send a message to your assembly member asking them to pass the automatic voter registration bill and make voting more accessible for hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers.

The State Legislature almost passed this policy last year, but a last-minute drafting error stopped automatic voter registration from becoming law. We are going to get it right this year, and that starts with telling the Assembly to prioritize this critical reform before the legislative session comes to a close.


RepresentUs is America’s leading anti-corruption organization working city-by-city, state-by-state to fix our broken political system.