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America's biggest problems are going unsolved because our government is overrun by big money, special interests, and lobbyists. The amount of money corrupting our political system is at an all-time high and Americans across the political spectrum are increasingly concerned about our broken political system. Something has to change.
Wait, who’s Gil Fulbright?
Gil is a satirical Senate candidate – an "honest politician" who will openly take any position on any issue... for the right price. We ran Gil for Senate in Kentucky in 2014, during the most expensive Senate race in American history between Senator Mitch McConnell and challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes. In 2016, we ran him again in the most expensive presidential race our nation has ever seen.
Gil may be a joke… but corruption isn’t.
Progress on the issues that matter to everyday Americans – like healthcare, taxes, or the economy – is tangled up in partisan gridlock and shoved aside in favor of lobbyist-written, big-donor-funded laws that help a handful of special interests, instead of you and your family. No really. A Princeton University study found that the average American has a near-zero impact on public policy.
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It's time to stop doing business as usual, change the national conversation, and defend the people's government from corruption. That’s why we’re going around Congress and passing the most impactful reforms to fix our broken system, city-by-city, state-by-state, until we reach federal victory. Share this video with your friends and family – because we all need a laugh, and to fix this problem, we all need to pitch in.
This video has been one of the best tools to spread this message with. With a simple share, you’re helping us build the grassroots power we need to take on special interests and entrenched politicians.