You can help pass critical anti-corruption reform by sharing information about the #ForthePeopleAct!
Use the images and captions below to spread the word among your family, friends, and social media followers.
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Post these sample captions with the images above or by themselves on your social media accounts. Feel free to personalize it to fit your voice - your networks want to hear why you personally care about this issue.
- We need a political system that represents the will of the people, not special interests & billionaires. Congress must pass the #ForthePeopleAct, a comprehensive anti-corruption bill. Call your lawmakers & urge them to pass it: @representus
- We need to pass the #ForThePeopleAct, a pro-democracy bill. The Act would ban gerrymandering, increase voting access & voting security, strengthen ethics laws, close lobbyist loopholes & more. Urge your lawmakers to pass it: #DemocracyForThePeople @representus

Click on the text below to tweet these messages out, then add the images above or post the tweets by themselves on your Twitter account. Feel free to personalize it to fit your voice - your networks want to hear why you personally care about this issue.
- We need a political system that represents the will of the people, not special interests & billionaires. Congress must pass the #ForthePeopleAct, a comprehensive anti-corruption bill. Call your lawmakers & urge them to pass it: @representus
- We need to pass the #ForThePeopleAct, a pro-democracy bill. The Act would ban gerrymandering, increase voting access & security, strengthen ethics laws, close lobbyist loopholes & more. Urge your lawmakers to pass it: @representus