Senators Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Ron Johnson are leading a group of nine other senators, the Traitorous Twelve, in an unpatriotic attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair American election. And your Senator has signed on to their politically-motivated scheme.

When Congress meets on January 6th, your senator plans on violating their oath to invalidate millions of legally cast ballots — and we can’t let them get away with it.

We’re seeing the same thing in the Senate that we heard on President Trump’s outrageous call with the Georgia Secretary of State. Hyper-partisan officials think they can play games with our democracy, and are willing to do irreversible damage to the country just to score a political win.

Time is running out to stop the Traitorous Twelve so we have to act now. Call your Senator right now and demand that they respect the results of this election when they meet on January 6th.

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