Seattle just proved that candidates can run for office without relying on big money special interests.

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Seattle voters just put a first-of-its kind democracy voucher system to the test – and proved to the rest of the country that big-money groups don't need to run our elections.

The new system gave every registered voter four $25 Democracy Vouchers, which they could put toward the candidate of their choice to help them fund their campaign.

Under the new system, only candidates who swear off big-money contributions qualify to receive democracy vouchers.

The 2017 Seattle election for city council was just completed in the biggest test of this new system.

Both of the winners were powered by democracy vouchers!

Help spread the word about this victory far and wide. If we can show that democracy vouchers worked in Seattle, people across the country will be inspired to bring it to their communities.

Share the video on this page and tag your friends in Seattle to congratulate them on this inspirational win.

RepresentUs is America’s leading anti-corruption organization working city-by-city, state-by-state to fix our broken political system.