April 17, 2024

Contact: Sam D’Arcangelo, RepresentUs,

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Florence, MA - Award-winning filmmaker Laura Gabbert and acclaimed trial consultant Tara Trask have been added to the board of directors for RepresentUs, the nation’s largest grassroots organization working to eliminate corruption and improve democracy. The pair join a group of heavy hitters that includes actors Jennifer Lawrence and Ed Helms, director Adam McKay, former Microsoft exec Jon Devaan, and activist Desmond Meade.

“Laura’s penchant for telling deeply human stories about our nation’s most pressing social issues and Tara’s expertise in law and nonprofit fundraising will prove invaluable to our work,” says RepresentUs CEO Joshua Graham Lynn. “Rebuilding our broken democracy is no easy task, but we’re thrilled to have their support as we take on these monumental challenges.”

Gabbert is best known for directing the documentaries City of Gold, No Impact Man, and Food and Country, which all debuted at the Sundance Film Festival. Her other work includes Ottolenghi and the Cakes of Versailles, Sunset Story, Ugly Delicious, and The Power of Film. She has served on many industry committees and panels, and is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Gabbert will serve on RepresentUs’ Development Committee.

“RepresentUs isn’t just fighting to protect American democracy, they’re fighting to improve it,” says Gabbert. “We have our work cut out for us in the coming years, and I couldn’t be more excited to be part of it. It’s some of the most important work there is.”  

Trask is the President of Trask Consulting, recently named one of the top three jury consulting firms in the United States by National Law Journal readers. A passionate advocate for democracy, she served as Advisor to the Civil Jury Project at NYU Law School investigating the vanishing jury trial. She is also a former president of The American Society of Trial Consultants. A seasoned fundraiser, Trask previously served on the board of San Francisco’s first family shelter, Raphael House. Trask will serve on both the Development and Governance committees with RepresentUs. 

“I am thrilled to be joining the board of RepresentUS. The successes the organization has

achieved in a relatively short period of time are truly inspiring,” Trask says. “I love this country and look forward to putting my efforts toward the amazing work that RepresentUS is doing to secure the democratic ideals far too many take for granted.”

RepresentUs is on the frontlines on the fight to strengthen American democracy in a year that is rife with challenges and opportunities. The organization is leading campaigns to bring Ranked Choice Voting to new cities and states, protect direct democracy, and counter the influence of money in politics during the 2024 election. In addition to its work on critical ballot measures and legislative campaigns, RepresentUs will produce engaging content to educate voters about systemic corruption and the structural reforms that can help eliminate it. 



RepresentUs is America’s leading nonpartisan organization fighting to protect and strengthen democracy. We unite unlikely allies from across the political spectrum who put country over party to pass pro-democracy laws, fight corruption, and defeat authoritarian threats. We have won more than 170 victories in cities and states across America since our founding 11 years ago. Each win brings us one step closer to our vision of making America the world’s strongest democracy.

For more information, contact: Sam D’Arcangelo, RepresentUs,

RepresentUs is America’s leading anti-corruption organization working city-by-city, state-by-state to fix our broken political system.